


Featured in Communication Arts Webpicks

Uptake is a leading provider of artificial intelligence and IoT software for industrial companies. Our site's number one goal is to speak to maintenance operators, Industrial CEOs and CIO to share application and platform information, along with customer success stories. Given that our business is a complicated one, we also leverage our website as a place for consumers to learn more about our company and educate themselves through our blog and thought leadership.

One of our goals was to breathe fresh air into a staid industry. As the first impression most people have with our company, the fluid interaction animations, bold/provocative typography/messaging, a mosaic grid that allows for interesting ways to organize information and a striking color palette were meant to communicate that we stand alongside the people who solve the hard problems to build what comes next.

I have been working on this site since 2015 and it has had many lives. This execution, that we launched in Fall 2017, has been the most robust and flexible site allowing the site to grow with the company. My role has been to lead design and orchestrate with leadership, outside developers, design, content, and security.
